United Kingdom

Greater London was the first region in the UK to adopt the Healthy Streets Approach. It has been spreading across England since 2020, supported by the Department of Transport.

All local authorities have been offered Foundation Level training for practitioners and briefings for elected-member. The Department for Transport also commissioned the Healthy Streets Design Check for England and supported training of practitioners across the country to use this tool in the LCWIP programme.

Healthy Streets has now been adopted into policy by authorities across the country and is shaping decision-making in transport and planning in Hampshire, Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Suffolk, Liverpool City Region and Lancashire.



Foundation Online training

Series of 6 online seminars and 6 online tutorials giving a detailed introduction to the Healthy Streets Approach and the range of Healthy Streets tools.

Sessions all start at 09:30hrs UTC from March 26th to May 20th. Session dates avoid school holday dates.

£550 incl. VAT per participant

Tools & Resources

How Healthy Is My Street?

New! On-line assessment tool. Go out onto your street, open this tool on your phone and score your street for an instant result.

Case Studies

Hertfordshire: Healthy Streets Index

Hertfordshire County Council commissioned a Healthy Streets Index for their county to support strategic planning.

Tools For United Kingdom

A range of bespoke tools that are free for all to use.

For more information about how to use these tools, visit the Tools & Resources page.

Design Check


On-Street Assessment


Healthy Streets Diagram


Street Assessment




Find a local Healthy Streets practitioner who has completed Foundation level training or become an expert in applying the Design Check.

If you are looking for someone local to you who can assist you on a Healthy Streets policy, project or problem then you can find them on the register of Healthy Streets Alumni.

There are over 250 Practitioners and 50 Designers across the UK.
