Budapest: Supporting districts to transform designs
City of Budapest has adopted the Healthy Streets Approach and is applying this to a project to transform streets around the city.
The EU funded TOP+ project is supporting the districts of Budapest to prepare and submit proposal documents setting out their conceptual plans for renewing local streets.
Budapest City government has been demonstrating leadership in taking the Healthy Streets Approach for several years. They commissioned the Healthy Streets Design Check for Budapest in 2022 and have ensured key senior staff are trained on the Healthy Streets Foundation course and Healthy Streets Design Check training.
Already the Healthy Streets principles are being applied on the streets of Budapest, for example Déri Miksa street in Budapest VIII. district.
2022 Déri Miksa street in Budapest VIII. district.
2024 Déri Miksa street in Budapest VIII. district.
Through the TOP+ project the Budapest City government is supporting the districts to deliver transformations to their streets.
Districts can develop plans for street transformations, these need to be assessed against the Design Check tool to ensure they are delivering significant benefits.
The focus is to ensure that street renewals are not just renovations, but that people are prioritised, a welcoming atmosphere is created, it becomes a more comfortable environment in which to walk and cycle and the development of the green and blue infrastructure enhances both the ecosystem and population mental health.
Some examples of proposals in this project are shown below.